
Currency claiming

Category: Currency claims

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Here is where you may redeem your artwork and stories for currency!

Once you submit, an admin will go over your work and add the correct amount of currency.

Please only submit one piece (of art or writing) at a time.

Anything submitted under the old currency claim may not be resubmitted.

Prompt art can not be claimed.


How to submit:
Pick your character the art/writing is of/about.  Include the link that leads directly to the image/writing you are claiming rewards for.


How much currency can I expect to get?


Freehanded ART

Sketch- 5 yellow powder

Lineart- 7 yellow powder

Flat color- +16 yellow powder

Shaded- + 26 yellow powder

With background (hand drawn)- +16 yellow powder

Extra character(s)- +5 yellow powder per extra character



Flat color- 2 yellow powder

Shaded- 4 yellow powder

With background (base)- +3 yellow powder

Extra character(s)- +3 yellow powder per extra character



For those who do animations please in the description state how many "images" you created in order to add things up for the total

Sketch- 10 yellow powder
Line art- 14 yellow powder
Flat color-  +32 yellow powder
Shaded- +1 orange fragment & 2 yellow powder
With a background- +32 yellow powder

Extra character(s)- +5 yellow powder per extra character

How rewards work for each frame movement:
for example: Lineart + shaded + background x 4 frames = 3 red shards, 1 orange fragment, &  42 yellow powder



3 red shards for all

Extra character(s)- +5 yellow powder per extra character


For writing

1 yellow powder per word

Extra character(s)- +5 yellow powder per extra character

For ex: 500 words = 500 Yellow Powder


Commissioned, traded, and gift art

Traded art- You may only claim half the rewards for both traded pieces (half for what you made, half for what they made)

Commissioned art- You may only claim half the value of the commissioned art. If you are the artist, you may claim the full rewards

Gift art- You may only claim 1/4 the value of the gifted art. If you are the artist, you may claim the full rewards


No rewards.
1 result found.